Fun going to lunch with Daddy on Sunday! Emery is such a such a doll, so easy to take out with us for some special family time. Now that she has learned to play with her toys she is happy to sit quietly and play while Mommy and Daddy talk. Patrick has a lot on his plate with his school load right now as he enters into his last year of his Bachelor's Degree program, so I was very grateful l to get some special time with him in the midst of all the busyness! I love the passion with which he is pursuing all God has called him too. There's no one I'd rather be on this crazy adventure called life with!
Sunday night I made homemade applesauce... it was amazing. I have sworn off of store bought! Homemade is so much richer, nutrient-dense, and downright delicious.
Working my way through Elyse Fitzpatrick's Because He Loves Me in my quiet times. SO good. If you haven't read it, you should!
Everything is going into Emery's mouth these days!
Just chillin'
Emery Paige began eating solids this week. I started her off on avocado and bananas, and she loved both! I can't believe we are already to this stage. It's unreal.
Goofing off while Mommy teaches TJ
Saturday morning snuggles <3
Happy girl! It's Halloween!!!
Baby girl helping Mama with laundry